academic agenda

september 11th

09:00am – 09:30am

Main Stage

Cultural intervention

09:30am – 10:00am

Main Stage


10:00am – 10:30am

Main Stage

Launch of the call for proposals to the Green Catalytic Fund

10:30am – 10:45am

Main Stage

Keynote Speaker

10:50am – 11:50am

Main Stage

Corporation and Innovation

Panoramic Stage

From beneficiaries to protagonists

Room 1

IDB Lab 2030 Ecosystem Co-creation (by invitation)

Room 2

What works in launching a Blended Finance deal in LAC?

Room 3

Elevating educational systems: systemic approaches to education

Room 4

Collaborations for an inclusive rurality, focuding in Colombia

Room 5

Challenges of access to water in Latin America and the Caribbean

Room 6

Innovative youth prosperity strategies

11:50AM – 12:30AM


12:30pm – 01:30pm

Main Stage

Evidence-based systemic change: how to use data to plan and evaluate systemic change strategies

Panoramic Stage

Uses and challenges of AI for impact

Room 1

Impact Investment: 4.0 New ways to generate conscious impact by cultivating the quality of our relationships in the investment ecosystem, both intra- and inter-organizationally

Room 2

Demographic change and the silver economy: A global megatrend that goes unnoticed and the impact opportunities it represents for the region

Room 3

How to make ESG reach SMEs?

Room 4

Community approaches to the bioeconomy

Room 5

Session 1: Exclusive session to high net-worth families (by invitation)

Room 6

Leadership and Democracy

1:30pm – 3:00pm


3:00pm – 3:50pm

Main Stage

Climate intersections

3:50pm – 4:10pm

Main Stage

STEM Fund Announcement

4:20pm – 5:50pm

Main Stage

Context of micro and small businesses in Latin America and contribution to economic development

Panoramic Stage

Solutions that help you mobilize more resources for impact

Room 2

Resilience in Action: Bridging the Finance Gap for Community-Led initiatives

Room 3

Sustainable value chains as a development and inclusion tool

Room 4

The role of impact-first investment in pipeline development

Room 5

Building bridges between foreign direct investment and impact investing

Room 6

How can investment mitigate the root causes of migration in LAC?

september 12th

09:00am – 09:15am

Main Stage

Cultural intervention

09:15am – 09:30am

Main Stage

Mexico and the development agenda

09:30am – 10:30am

Main Stage

Diverse voices in spaces of power

10:30am – 11:00am

Main Stage

Catalytic philanthropy

11:05am – 12:05am

Main Stage

The different roles of corporates: ESG, philanthropy, investment and innovation

Panoramic Stage

Exits in philanthropy: success stories in venture philanthropy

Room 1

Systems-Based Impact Financing: Three Steps to Expanding your Pipeline (by invitation)

Room 2

Open Consultation on Global Impact Reporting Norms

Room 3

Democratizing impact investing: how to reach small investors?

Room 4

Creating better economic trajectories for young Latin Americans

Room 5

Multi-stakeholder coordination to promote sustainable development

Room 6

Trusting the community: multi-stakeholder community development strategies

12:05PM – 12:35PM


12:35pm – 1:35pm

Main Stage

Impact Portfolios

Panoramic Stage

Why and how to invest in historically marginalized groups

Room 1

Art and Culture as an impulse of impact generation

Room 2

Value Chain Innovation for Social Impact in Latin America

Room 3

Payment for results: lessons learned from experiences in LAC

Room 4

Confidence when donating: a new way to contribute to social causes, based on the documentary Uncharitable

Room 5

Climate Adaptation (by invitation)

Room 6

Innovative strategies to develop impact ecosystems

1:35pm – 3:00pm


3:00pm – 4:00pm

Main Stage

Diversity in ESG beyond inclusive hiring

Panoramic Stage

Scale beyond digital

Room 1

Regulatory opportunities for innovative finance

Room 2

Shifting Perspectives: Can a systems change lens shift what we invest in, and how we measure?

Room 3

Beyond unicorns - investing in NGOs, community businesses and SMEs

Room 4

Opportunities to maximize impact in Central America and the Caribbean

Room 5

Session 2: Exclusive session to high net-worth families (by invitation)

4:05pm – 5:05pm

Main Stage

Gender activist investors: how funds can promote gender equity

Panoramic Stage

Gender activist investors: how funds can promote gender equity

Room 1

A systemic perspective to reduce inequalities in LAC

Room 2

Financial innovations for the success of migrants

Room 3

Risky philanthropy: how much risk does Latin American philanthropy take?

Room 4

The use of data to develop social innovation ecosystems

Room 5

Building better and stronger collaborations of public and philanthropic sectors for long term inclusive development (by invitation)

Room 6

Private banking and impact

5:15pm – 6:15pm

Main Stage

Perspectives for Impact Investing in Latin America

6:15pm – 6:30pm

Main Stage




Inspirational Talks

Sharing Collective


Round Table


Cultural Intervention

Keynote Speaker

Field Visits



This format will enable small groups to meet and discuss a specific topic. The discussion will be facilitated using predefined questions, which will be shared with the participants. Participants will then have the opportunity to find common grounds and ideas for further collaboration.


This format is designed to enable participants to learn new skills, tools and methodologies from peers and practitioners regarding non-financial support, innovative finance, investment readiness, supporting ecosystems, among other state-of-the-art topics in investing for impact.


Talks are delivered without notes and is never behind a lectern. TED style presentations have minimal or even no slides. If slides are used they are often highly visual, the images are of exceptional quality with maybe only one or two words on each slide.


Where investors present funding opportunities to their peers. These could be specific deals, funds or investment platforms, for example.

Catalytic Capital Deal Share Session

Catalytic capital deals inherently involve resources from different sources and with different apetites for risk, return and impact. In this session catalytic capital deals will be shared by investors or structuring organizations seeking co-investors.